Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hello to anyone who somehow stumbles across my blog! I enjoy reading other teacher's blogs and trying to find new resources to use in my classroom. It seems there is an endless amount of elementary blogs and some upper level subjects such as math and reading, but hardly any social studies blogs! I have taught for 2 years and I am going on my third this year. It is something I love and I also love finding new methods and ideas to incorporate into my classroom. By creating this blog I not only want to have a way to express how I am feeling or new ideas I come up with, but also to communicate with other social studies teachers who also hopefully teach middle school! With middle schoolers I never know how the day will go and I wouldn't trade that to be in a high school or elementary school! If you are looking at my blog for help or ideas I hope I can assist you. It will be a work in progess, but I hope that I can do something beneficial with this! Thanks for stopping by! :)


  1. I can "feel" your pain in that there is not a lot of "US" out there. MIddle school is very limited and history teachers is even MORE limited. We need to get together.
    Greg -

  2. I agree! I am following your blog and hope to find some others to follow also. Just sent you an e-mail
