Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New Year, New School, New Grade

Well I obviously did an AWFUL job of keeping up with this blog last year! I can't believe my last post was January 2013! Here is a SUPER quick update. I took a new position in August of 2013 back in my hometown! I am now teaching 6th grade social studies and our curriculum is all about ancient civilizations. This was quite a change from geography and Kansas history so last year I had to really brush up on my knowledge of the ancient world! I was also completing my last year of my master's which I finally finished. I graduated in May 2014 with a degree in Curriculum and Instruction from my Alma mater, Emporia State University. I am VERY happy that is done with so I can fully focus on my kiddos at school.

Graduation Day!

I cannot believe that I only have a little over 2 weeks until we have to report back to the building. I have been working slowly on getting things ready, but now I am ready to get back in gear. I know I have said it before, but this year I am REALLY going to try to keep this updated more often! I won't be quite as busy now that my master's classes are finished. I will be coaching volleyball and track and I will be the assistant STUCO sponsor, which I am very excited about. I know I can handle all of that though!

Well here is the first, hopefully of many, blog posts I will write this year!

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